Important: The shortcuts work only when an island is loaded
and the main window is highlighted!
Phrase | Description |
All | Select all - the entire island is selected. |
Bitmap | Save island as bitmap. |
Draw | Draw tiles (from the Field Editor). |
Horizontally | Mirror area horizontally. |
Island properties | Set the island properties. |
Left | Rotate area to the left. |
Mark | Select all fields of the same type. |
Nothing | Remove all selections - select nothing. |
Open | Open an existing island. |
Pick | Pick tiles (from the Field Editor). |
Quit | Close current window. |
Right | Rotate area to the right. |
Save | Save island to disk. |
Turn | Rotate area by 180° . |
Undo | Undo the last modification. |
Vertically | Mirror area vertically. |
Window | Zoom to window. |
eXit | Close the Island Editor. |
Random tYles | Random design of selected fields. |
+ | Zoom in. |
- | Zoom out. |
Zoom to normal view. | |
Copy | Copy selected fields. |
Paste | Paste copied fields. |