At the top of the main window you'll find a row of buttons with shortcuts to the most frequently used functions. These buttons are explained here, although they should all be self explanatory...

New... A new island is created. Island size and climate zone can be set up comfortably.

Open Loads an existing island into the Island Editor. The "official" islands that come with the game can be found under the Nord and Sued subdirectories. More islands can be downloaded from the internet.

Save The current island is saved to disk. If it has not been saved before, you are prompted for a directory and file name.

Save As...You can store the island with a different file name. This way you can play with an island while still keeping the original.

Revert to savedThe current island is reloaded from disk, i.e. all changes since the last save operation are discarded.

Save as BitmapThe entire island is stored as a bitmap (BMP format) and can then be printed or inserted into other documents.

UndoThe previous modification is undone. Currently there is only one Undo level.

CopyThe currently selected fields are copied to an internal clipboard.

PasteThe contents of the internal clipboard are pasted into the currently loaded island at the selected fields. This may be the same or any other island. Only the top left field of the area must be selected to enable this function.

Note: The copy and paste functions work with an internal clipboard, i.e. the copied fields can be pasted into the same or any other loaded island, but not to other programs!

Copy to ClipboardThe current view (not the entire island!) is copied as a bitmap into the Windows clipboard and can then be pasted into other programs (like Paint).

Random TilesOpens the window which allows to attribute randomly chosen tiles of a certain group to the currently selected fields. Important: The entries of the tile groups in the right menu of the window can be edited in the file Random.txt together with their corresponding ID numbers.

Rotate LeftThe entire selected area is rotated by 90° to the left.

Rotate 180° The entire selected area is rotated by 180°.

Rotate RightThe entire selected area is rotated by 90° to the right.

Mirror Horizontal The selected area is mirrored horizontally. This means every field is moved to its mirror position and is rotated by 180°. This rotation will have the desired effect in most cases, but special fields (e.g. corners) will have to be rotated manually to their correct position.

Mirror Vertical Same function, but vertically.

Zoom out Zooms out by one step.

Zoom inZooms in by one step.

Zoom to windowFits the island into the current window.

Zoom to normalZoom to the standard view.

Properties...See The Menu - Island Properties!

AboutOpens an information window displaying the version, some copyright and warranty stuff, and 2 buttons with link to the official Island Editor Homepage or an email to Sir Henry.
